Welcome to the Action Center Portal! Below, you'll be able to report a non-emergency concern. Please note that all concerns are taken during normal business hours, and reports made after hours will be logged the following business day. If the nature of your problem is an immediate threat to your safety, please call 911.
Select the type of problem you are reporting: (required) Crime TipDrivewaysErosion ControlGeneral ConcernGeneral Traffic ConcernsIllicit DischargeImpaired WatersLimbs & Debris PickupMissing / Damaged Street SignNon-compliant Construction SiteOvergrown / Unsanitary PropertyParksStorm Drains & FloodingStormwater or Illicit Discharge Ordinance ViolationStreet LightsStreet RepairSubstandard / Abandoned StructureTraffic Signals & Pavement MarkingsVegetation on Right-of-WayWater LeakWebsite Issue
Briefly describe your request in the space provided. Please be as specific as possible: (required)
Enter the address or location, as well as the nearest intersection, of the problem that you are reporting: (required)
If you have a photo or document that supports the nature of the problem, please upload it here: (optional)
Your Name (First & Last) (required)
Your Email (required)
Phone Number (required)
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