Search results for: "Operator IV"

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Operator Trainee or Water Operator IV

2023-11-06T13:52:09-05:00November 25, 2020|Categories: Jobs, Jobs - Utilities|

Personnel Requisition Form

Department: Utilities / Water Filtration
Date: November 25, 2020
Supervisor: Superintendent

Job Title: Operator Trainee or Water Operator IV
Starting Salary: $15.0561 / hourly ($23.1603 upon attainment of Grade IV Certification)

Date Needed: ASAP
Number of Employees Requested: Two (2)
Work Hours: 40 hours […]

Operator Trainee or Wastewater Operator III or Wastewater Operator IV

2023-11-06T13:56:48-05:00October 28, 2019|Categories: Jobs, Jobs - Utilities|

Personnel Requisition Form

Department: Utilities – Wastewater Treatment Plant
Date: October 28, 2019
Supervisor: Superintendent

Job Title: Operator Trainee or Wastewater Operator III or Wastewater Operator IV
Starting Salary: $15.0561 / hourly ($18.5443 upon attainment of Grade II Certification, $20.4698 upon attainment of Grade III Certification, […]


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