If major deficiencies (i.e. sediment is leaving the site, failure to correct minor deficiencies since the last inspection, etc.) are noted onsite, the Engineering Division initiates an enforcement process to ensure that noted deficiencies are being addressed in a proactive manner. The first step in the enforcement process is issuance of a 72-hour Notice of Violation (NOV) to the permit holder that outlines the deficiencies and proposes corrective measures onsite. (If critical deficiencies are found, the time frame of the NOV is 24 hours). If the permit holder fails to address the deficiencies at the end of the 72-hour (or 24-hour) time frame, then a citation is issued by the city to the permit holder to appear in Municipal Court for violations of the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. City personnel also have the ability to issue a stop-work order onsite if conditions warrant. Penalties for violating the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance are up to a $500 fine per day, per offense and/or possible jail time as determined by Municipal Court.