Phenix City Council met for a regular Council Meeting at 9 a.m., EDT, on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 via the teleconference platform Zoom. The media and public were encouraged to watch online by visiting the website calendar, located at, and selecting the meeting date. After the event, the recording will be posted to the city’s  YouTube channel. Cable TV BEAM also broadcast the meeting live on Cable Channel 7.

Mayor/Council took the following action on agenda items:

April 5, 2021 Work Session Minutes were approved.

April 6, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes were approved.

Resolution No. 2021-69 to be ratified in reference to opposing HB220, was ratified.

Resolution No. 2021-70 to be ratified in reference to opposing SB165, was ratified.

Resolution in reference to authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Manager to sign an agreement with Neel-Schaffer, Inc. regarding the bridge replacement on Seale Road over Cochgalechee Creek, was approved.

Resolution in reference to authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Manager to sign the proposal submitted by Signs, Inc. for the construction and installation of a new “Shared Monument Sign” at the Village at Crosswind Shopping Center in an amount not to exceed $53,756.80, was removed from the agenda.

Resolution in reference to awarding a bid to Malone Office Environments for white copy paper, was approved.

A Public Hearing was conducted in reference to the fixing of costs incurred by the City of Phenix City for removal of substandard structures and the establishment of special assessments upon properties located at: 1900 2nd Avenue; 2013 2nd Avenue; and 323 South Seale Road. No one came forward.

Three Resolutions in reference to the fixing of costs incurred by the City of Phenix City for removal of substandard structures and the establishment of special assessments upon properties located at: 1900 2nd Avenue; 2013 2nd Avenue; and 323 South Seale Road, were approved.

Resolution in reference to authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign a Change Order No. 1 with JHC Corporation for installation of interior baseboards at the Phenix City Riverwalk Timber Bridge in an amount not to exceed $800.00, was approved.

Resolution in reference to a one-time compensation of $500.00 to the Glenwood Girls’ Basketball team, was approved.

Resolution in reference to a one-time compensation of $500.00 to the Glenwood Varsity Cheerleaders team, was approved.

Resolution in reference to a one-time compensation of $500.00 to the Glenwood Volleyball team, was approved.

Resolution in reference to the Municipal Water Pollution Prevention (MWPP) 2020 Annual Report, was approved.

Resolution in reference to accepting a quote from Salem Petroleum Technicians, LLC to perform tank monitor installation work on the underground storage tank in in an amount not to exceed $15,427.50, was approved.

Resolution in reference to accepting a quote from Brown and Sons, LLC to perform electrical work on the underground storage tank in an amount not to exceed $5,700.00, was approved.

An Ordinance to Require Wearing Masks in Buildings or Indore Spaces Managed, Leased, or Owned by the City of Phenix City, Alabama, was placed on First Reading.

A claim filed by Barbara Cherry was tabled.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

View the official Meeting Summary.