Phenix City Council met for a regular Council Meeting at 9 a.m., EDT, on Tuesday, June 2, 2021 via the teleconference platform Zoom. The media and public were encouraged to watch online by visiting the website calendar, located at, and selecting the meeting date. After the event, the recording will be posted to the city’s  YouTube channel.

Mayor/Council took the following action on agenda items:

May 17, 2021 Work Session Minutes were approved.

May 18, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes were approved.

Resolution in reference to accepting the dedication of land, right-of-ways and easements dedicated by the Final Plat for Ivy Creek Subdivision IV, Ivy Creek LLC, owner, was approved.

Resolution in reference to accepting a quote from Duke’s Root Control to perform root control services to some of the sanitary sewer mains for the wastewater collection system in an amount not to exceed $29,418.70, was approved.

Four board members were reappointed to The Industrial Development Board.

A claim filed by Alfa Insurance as Subrogee of Shirley Vaughn was approved to allow the City Attorney to negotiate the settlement.

A claim filed by Willie Lee Cage was denied.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.

View the official Meeting Summary.