Phenix City Council met for a regular Council Meeting at 9 a.m., EDT, on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 via the teleconference platform Zoom. The media and public were encouraged to watch online by visiting the website calendar, located at, and selecting the meeting date. After the event, the recording will be posted to the city’s  YouTube channel. Cable TV BEAM also broadcast the meeting live on Cable Channel 7.

Mayor/Council took the following action on agenda items:

April 19, 2021 Work Session Minutes were approved.

April 20, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes were approved.

Resolution No. 2021-83 to be ratified in reference to authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation to secure a position in the Municipal Debris Removal Fund, was ratified.

Resolution in reference to authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Manager to sign an acceptance proposal quote from Signs, Inc. to construct and install the “Shared Monument Sign” at a cost not to exceed $49,875.80, was approved.

Resolution in reference to purchasing one (1) 2021 International CV515 SFA Service Vehicle on the Alabama State Bid from Southland Transportation Group in an amount not to exceed $73,562.26, was approved.

Resolution in reference to authorizing the purchase on one (1) Caterpillar 420 Cab Backhoe from Thompson CAT in an amount not to exceed $105,215.66, was approved.

Resolution in reference to authorizing the purchase of one (1) 926M Wheel Front End Loader from Thompson CAT in an amount not to exceed $207,174.92, was approved.

Resolution in reference to authorizing the purchase of one (1) Caterpillar Next Gen D3 Cab Dozer in an amount not to exceed $151,092.65, was approved.

Public Notice to rezone 1.24 acre tract of land located at 3501 Summervill Road, Norman W. Davis, owner, was approved.

An Ordinance to rezone 1.24 acre tract of land located at 3501 Summerville Road, Norman W. Davis, owner, was placed on First Reading.

An Ordinance to exempt certain covered items from the municipal sales and use tax during the third full weekend of July, 2021, referred to as the “Back-to-School” Sales Tax Holiday, was placed on First Reading.

An Ordinance to Require Wearing Masks in Buildings or Indore Spaces Managed, Leased, or Owned by the City of Phenix City, Alabama, was approved.

One board member was reappointed to the Phenix City Housing Authority Board.

A tabled claim filed by Barbara Cherry was approved.

A claim filed by State Farm on behalf of John Tyner was denied.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

View the official Meeting Summary.