Phenix City Council met for a Work Session at 3 p.m. Eastern Time, on Monday, October 4, 2021 via the teleconference platform Zoom. The media and public were encouraged to watch online by visiting the website calendar and selecting the meeting date. After the event, the recording will be posted to the city’s YouTube page.

Christine Ryles addressed Council.
Richard Cannon was not present to address Council as listed on the agenda at this time.

The following items were discussed:

The September 28, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting.

October and November, 2021 upcoming calendar events.

City of Phenix City 2022 City Calendar.

Questions from City Council to Department Heads on various city projects.

Mayor and Council reviewed the October 5, 2021 Council Agenda.

Mayor Lowe recognized Mr. Richard Cannon.

Richard Cannon addressed Council.

Mayor and Council continued the review of the October 5, 2021 Council Agenda.

An Executive Session was called for Economic Development for 30 minutes from which the meeting would adjourn. Councilmember Day made the motion, Seconded by Councilmember Johnson. All were in favor.

Council went into Executive Session at 4:31 p.m.

Council came out of Executive Session at 4:53 p.m. from which the meeting adjourned.

View the official Meeting Summary.