

Duties & Responsibilities

The Phenix City Utilities Department provides vital water and sewage services throughout the city. The department will adapt to meet the needs of a changing community by providing a work environment that promotes high standards and quality service, exceeding customer expectations.


The system’s primary office, located at 1119 Broad Street, is responsible for providing potable water and sewage treatment for all citizens within its jurisdiction, inclusive of the City of Phenix City, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the calendar year. The award-winning system strives continuously to become, and is recognized as one of, Alabama’s finest water and wastewater municipal operations as is reflected by recent Alabama Department of Environmental Management (A.D.E.M.) recognition.


The Utilities Department of the City of Phenix City, being cognizant of the current growth and future potential of the city, continues to anticipate and react to issues of growth associated with the expansion of this last Alabama gateway, while providing the finest of services for its citizens. Review the Phenix City Utility Department’s Five-Year Plan (2019-2024).

Important Notices


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